Milaan - Girl Icon

Field Partner

The Milaan Girl Icon program provides a two-year leadership development scholarship to adolescent girls who have strong academic performance and a commitment to social change.

Partner Type:
Population served:
Girls who are committed to academic success and creating social change within their communities
Student selection criteria:
Merit and Need
Services provided:
Leadership development workshops, mentorship, financial support to complete a two year social change project
TSF student promotion rate:

Milaan - Girl Icon is raising money for 11 students' school expenses. 11 have been fully funded so far.

  • Vandana




    Vandana is one of seven siblings, 4 sisters and 3 brothers, who live in a small house in a tiny village in Uttar Pradesh, India. Both of her elder sisters have never been to school, the eldest being married before the age of 18. She is the first girl in her family to stand up for her right to be educated. Told that her education would not benefit the family, Vandana chose to fight to go to school anyway. For a 16-year-old, Vandana is a highly opinionated girl. If you dig deep enough, she says, the root cause of any act of violence against girls and women, in her community, is the lack of education. Because of this girls are not aware of their human rights and do not know how to raise their voices when they face violence or discrimination. Sometimes she says they do not know they can even attempt such a thing. She feels that child marriage is the biggest issue faced by her community caused by a combination of illiteracy, poverty, and a discriminatory attitude towards girls. She recalls that when she wanted to do something to stop her own elder sister’s marriage before 18, her father locked her in a room and ordered her not to speak a word.

    School Year 2017

  • Sabhya




    Sabhya is a ever-smiling girl who is determined to be an government official one day. Her eager interest in pursuing her dream career has led her to be selected out of 3,000 applicants as a Girl Icon Fellow in the hopes of creating social change in her community. Although she comes from an impoverished background, she has decided nothing can stop her in her enthusiasm to work for the community as an IAS officer in Uttar Pradesh, India. She plans to serve the nation some day.

    School Year 2017

  • Ritu




    Ritu Yadav is always bubbling with answers. Her hands gesture wildly as she explains her interest in making speeches. Ritu uses her voice to speak out against caste discrimination and the gender inequality she sees all around her. Growing up in Uttar Pradesh, India Ritu has constantly been bombarded by things she can't do as a girl. She's determined to change that. Inspired by her mentor, Mr. Mithai Lal, she plans to become a math professor and continue to speak out for gender equality. She is completely determined for girls' to be recognized for their capability and ability to do the same things boys do.

    School Year 2017

  • Priya




    Priya has long been a shining star in her community nestled deep in Sitapur District of the state of Uttar Pradesh. Growing up in rural India, Priya has taken advantage of every opportunity in her school. From acting in plays to practicing the locally prized art of Rangoli. Priya transferred from the government school which provided a bare education when Swarachna School first came to her community. Even being in her small community, she has faced problems with her parents allowing her to leave the house. She dreams of leaving the village and becoming a doctor.

    School Year 2017

  • Gazala




    Gazala's nimble feet have led her to find joy in dancing, and her flexible attitude has led her to become a star actor among her friends. Passionate about maintaining cleanliness, the 8th grader has noticed with distaste the trend of taking girls out of school to participate in household chores instead of boys. Nurturing of other girls in her community, the 14-year-old hopes to stand as an example of gender equality and continue to break barriers for girls in society.

    School Year 2017

  • Khushboo




    A talkative and alert girl, at only the age of 9, Khushboo first experienced teasing by men in her community or 'eve-teasing.' Although Khushboo has been supported by her family in her efforts to fight back and mobilize other girls in her community, she is passionate about creating a more aware community in which girls feel safe. In addition to engaging frequently with her community, this extroverted 14-year-old practices karate. She is determined to fight for the rights of girls to safely walk the streets in India.

    School Year 2017

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